V. WITH Application

WITH Application mainly has functions of 1) Registration of the athlete information, 2) Athlete Valuation, 3) Involvement of fans. Examples of WITH Application Development by Functions are as follows:

1. Registration of the Athlete Information

The WITH platform is primarily intended to create value through active provision of information by users. The information that an athlete can upload to the WITH Platform consists of 1) basic information including personal information and contract information, 2) physical information related to physical growth, 3) medical information that demonstrates injury history, and WIKEN paid to the athletes for each information provided is differentiated. In the application, the more information available, the more detailed the shape of the athlete’s avatar, and the athlete’s up and downloaded information history and WIKEN’s in and outflow are more clearly displayed.

2. Athlete Valuation

The information of athletes provided on WITH Platform is calculated as a metric through the assessment algorithm of athletes developed by the WITH team. The athlete valuation consists of 1) quantitative assessment based on quantitative information, 2) qualitative assessment based on non-metrical information, and the final valuation results will be calculated by combining quantitative and qualitative assessments with appropriate weights. In WITH application, the user is provided with athlete’s basic information and valuation information by setting up the athlete search item. The athlete valuation information is comparable between the peers, thus provides intuitive support for users in making athlete transfer-related decisions.

3. Involvement of Fans

WITH platform induces involvement of fans in the platform through content creation and distribution in a short-term, and development of gamification in a long-term. For the contents created directly by fans or through firstprocessing (translation, editing, etc.), WIKEN will be provided by differential pricing depending on the level of influence and quality of the content according to WIKEN that the uploader possesses. WITH application provides various communication channels such as blogs and BBS to support active content creation and distribution of fans.

4. Updates

WEDID, KICK, Fantasy Football, Blast and Metaverse are all launched or about to launch by the end of 2022. And published service images and functions are introduced via ProjectWITH’s main page(www.projectwith.io). More detailed biz and token model will be described at Projectwith v1.5 which is scheduled to published by early 2023.

Last updated